Friday, September 26, 2008

blog post # 4

A. Describe KBS

Knowledge-Based Systems is the international, interdisciplinary and applications-oriented journal on KBS.
Knowledge-Based Systems focuses on systems that use knowledge-based techniques to support human decision-making, learning and action. Such systems are capable of cooperating with human users and so the quality of support given and the manner of its presentation are important issues. The emphasis of the journal is on the practical significance of such systems in modern computer development and usage.

B. Distinguish KBS from MIS

Knowledge-Based System
Computer program that uses an encoding of human knowledge to help solve problems. It was discovered during research into
artificial intelligence that adding heuristics (rules of thumb) enabled programs to tackle problems that were otherwise difficult to solve by the usual techniques of computer science.
Chess-playing programs have been strengthened by including knowledge of what makes a good position, or of overall strategies, rather than relying solely on the computer's ability to calculate variations.

Management information system (MIS) is a system or process that provides
the information necessary to manage an organization effectively. MIS and the
information it generates are generally considered essential components of
prudent and reasonable business decisions.
The importance of maintaining a consistent approach to the

C. Illustrate (give examples) how KBS can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.

Knowledge is seen as a key strategic asset for the success and survival in today’s increasingly competitive global market place. This recognition is one of the main reasons for exponential growth in developing knowledge based applications. Recent advancements in this field have led to increased research interest in ontologies and various dynamic methods in developing and maintaining them. Ontologies have been considered one of the most efficient methodologies to develop semantic driven knowledge based systems. In this paper we describe an approach to develop an effective knowledge based system using explicit domain ontologies. We also present key principles for organising and developing content specific domain ontologies that help in knowledge acquisition and system design. The process is illustrated with the development of a knowledge based system for event management domain.


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