Friday, September 26, 2008

Blog post # 3

A. Describe the Virtual office

Such work can be done wherever the employee is located. The name given to the capability is the virtual office, a term that suggests that office work can be done at virtualy any geographical location as long as the work site is linked to one or more of the firm's fixed locations by some type of electronic communication capability.

B. Distinguish VO from MIS

Virtual Office-is a term for shared office services, which normally includes business address,Certain providers of virtual office services will provide other in-house or outsourced services such as corporate secretarial services, accounting services, or legal services.

Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organisation.

C.Illustrate (give examples) how VO can improve company's competitive advantage and organizational performance.
Significant advances in technology and communication over the past decade have made the concept of the virtual office much more attractive and practical to companies facing complex human resource, real estate, business continuity, and logistical challenges. Many businesses are revisiting assumptions about how employees can and should contribute to organizational goals and objectives in physical environments beyond the traditional corporate office. Frequent travelers, day extenders, campus workers and other “off-site” employees are a major and growing component of the workforce. According to Runzheimer International’s recent survey, 71% of organizations planned to increase or maintain the number of virtual office employees in their workforce.


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